2,900 Inbound Research Calls

2,900 Inbound Research Calls

Achievement: 2,900 inbound calls for clinical research patient recruitment. With a 38% recruitment rate to study participants.

Research Company

Business Goal

The client was conducting a research study and needed a large number of men and women volunteers to trial a treatment that may help to improve Diabetic Neuropathic Pain.

  • Drive accurate, intelligent & targeted campaigning
  • Identify, target & attract new customers
  • Engage with the right customers



With the primary promotion of this important medical research taking place via a series of advertisements in major metro and regional newspapers, supported by selected radio advertisements, a large volume of calls was expected. The cost involved for the client to set up their own centre and staff, or it using temporary staff was prohibitive, so they turned to CDM Direct who have a specialist healthcare team with extensive experience in dealing with healthcare-related campaigns.

It was necessary to screen all of the several thousand callers to ensure the most suitable participants were put forward for the study. The client had quite specific criteria, with CDM Direct providing carefully crafted scripting and a comprehensive FAQ to their agents.