Scandia – outsourcing customer to improve grade of service

Scandia – outsourcing customer to improve grade of service

Achievements: Reduction in customer complaints and 29% boost in grade of service


Business Goal

Our client was receiving on going complaints from their largest retailer, Bunnings and many other customers in regards to very slow response times via email and the fact that no one would pick up their phone calls resulting in a great deal of frustration and causing reputational damage. This poor customer experience was a direct result of our client experiencing short staff due to absenteeism and the available staff while engaged in core business tasks trying to answer emails and phone calls. Our client prior to engaging us was producing a Grade Of Service of 64%.



After outsourcing several inbound queues to make us their front line customer service team, they were able to concentrate on the more core business tasks such as managing cases and responding to customers in a timely manner. Doing so reduced the complaints they were getting and gave client enough to time manage their internal team, while using our experienced agent to man their phone lines, and emails as their first point of contact, after recommendation from us, the client agreed to install live chat on their website, which provided their customers with yet another channel to reach out thus increasing customer satisfaction.



CDM Direct managed to increase the GOS from 64% to 93% almost immediately. We not only helped them with inbound which was discussed as the initial scope but also provided them with extra agents who mirrored their internal team to help execute the more intricate cores business tasks. The client’s GOS was not impacted at all due to the lockdowns caused by COVID-19 due to our cloud technology which allowed us to work remotely and provide the sample level of service as we do while working from our premises. Having built a solid foundation by improving the client’s GOS and providing value ads such as expanding the scope of work we completed which included, back end admin tasks, invoicing and product recalls we have managed to secure an evergreen relationship with this client.