Roadside Assistance

Roadside Assistance

Operating a 24/7 response center can be expensive. Slash your costs by 50% with CDM Direct's outsourcing and staff leasing solutions for Roadside Assistance organizations.

Unlock Savings with Our Outsourcing and Staff Leasing Services - Save up to 50% on Costs

We offer a smarter way to respond to your customers. With our contact center outsourcing and staff leasing services, you can achieve substantial cost savings on operating a world-class 24/7 response center.

Huge Cost Savings

Reduce your operating costs by up to 50%. Our competitive pricing ensures you get the best value for your money.

English-Speaking BPO

An Australian BPO company, rather than your usual offshore operators in Philippines, India and Mexico. Reduce costs whilst maintaining quality and grade of service.

Leverage Technology & Know-How

Advance technology and software for omnichannel management, from a BPO with a track record of operating 24/7 response centers for Roadside Assistance companies.

Focus on What Matters

With us handling your staffing needs, you can redirect your resources and focus on what matters most - growing your business.


Count on us for dependable and committed staff. We take pride in delivering personnel who are dedicated to your success.


Scale your workforce up or down as your business needs change. Our services are adaptable and designed to meet your evolving requirements.

Access Huge Cost Savings ...

Level 1 Agents
From USD $8 per hour
Level 2 agents
From USD $12 per hour
Level 3 agents
From USD $18 per hour

Results we have delivered

Our Case Studies

365 Roadside Assist – 24/7 Support and Efficient Contractor Management

Faster response times, higher CSAT, increased sales, safer customers
Read more

Effortless Staffing, Outstanding Results

Experience the Difference – Follow Our Proven Process:

We'll discuss your staffing needs and tailor a solution for you
Sourcing & Selection
Our experts find the perfect match for your requirements
Your new team members are ready to contribute from day one
Ongoing Support
We ensure your complete satisfaction with our services

Ready to Save and Succeed?

Don't let staffing costs hold you back. Join the ranks of businesses that have streamlined their operations and boosted their bottom line with our Staff Leasing Services.

Roadside Assistance form