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Outsource and save with CDM Direct

You’ll be amazed at how much you can save without diluting quality

To use the Pricing Calculator tell us how big your team is, how many hours they work, and what your average pay rate is.

The Calculator will then tell you how many thousands of dollars you could be saving per month.


Step 1: Tell Us About Yourself


Calculator - Outsourcing

Why Clients Choose Us

Omnichannel, nearshore contact centre services and staff leasing

We’re more like a knowledge warehouse; you’ll find every conceivable customer care solution your business needs to grow bigger, faster, stronger – all under one roof. But 30 years serving at the frontlines of customer service has taught us that it’s not until you convert that knowledge into wisdom and insight that the magic really happens.

Flexible, Scalable & Cost Effective

Cost effective service, with no lock in contracts that allows trials and scalability, whilst saving our clients up to 30% on their wage bills and our agents are productive immediately.

Full Capability Tech & Security

TKW Group has built an infrastructure, network, software and physical security systems that complies with stringent industry standards whilst employees work from home, remaining fully capable and effective.

Experienced Customer Care Agents

Dedicated, trained and long-serving resources to serve your business and customers to a high standard, so you can improve your revenue per customer.

Reporting & Analytics

We deliver real-time data reporting on business metrics that have been agreed upon for business benchmarking.

Robust Research & Real Insights

We deliver in-depth ‘real-world’ customer insights in real-time that delivers you actionable data to make informed business decisions, improve the customer experience and increase conversion rates.

Seamless Channel Integration

Quick and easy integration across all your face to face and digital marketing channels.